Slimy to elegant to claustrophobic Sunday

The charismatic iguana below was on the other side of the LaConcha Hotel lobby glass yesterday as I was working online with my Starbucks drink and connection. Its scam owner saw me taking its picture and asked me to watch the lizard as he went to the front desk. He returned quickly and offered to take my picture while putting the thing on my shoulder! Yech! Then he told me it would cost $15! I was furious and he said, “Ok, just $5.” I was still fuming when the creature moved, the owner freaked, missed the shot, and I stormed away with my camera phone. Of all the nerve!

I left there later to join LB at the elegant Gardens Hotel for live jazz and a self-serve wine bar outside around the pool. I chatted with her friends and soaked in the atmosphere. The men were so gracious. The women so friendly and accepting. How cool is this? 🙂

Later on, the night turned ugly as I struggled with post-op allergic reactions. LB pointed out that it takes three weeks for the anesthesia effects to wear off. I sure hope that’s it… I’ve not had any pain medicine since Friday’s return flight. It was 8:00 a.m. this morning and I was still struggling to get to sleep. Nearly hyperventilating I finally drifted off while doing breathing exercises and praying.

Hotel lobby glass between us soon disappeared!

Hotel lobby glass between us soon disappeared!